Pharaoh: Amenhotep III (1377-1351 B.C)
Interesting facts
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Amenhotep III mask |
1. He ruled during a time of peace, called the Amarna period.
2. He had around 317 wives! It has been said that his most loved queen was Tiy. On their wedding he took her on a very fancy boat with many flowers and decorations, and he rode it with her on the NIle river so everyone could see her with them. This is known as the most romantic and fanciest wedding of all ancient Egypt. He married her at the age of 11 or 12.
3. He became pharaoh at the age of 12 and ruled egypt for 39 years.
4. Known as the pharaoh who beautified ancient egypt because he made many monuments during his time. One of the most famous temples, The Temple of Luxor (also known as Temple of Amun during their time) was built by him.
5. His son, Akenhaten, became pharaoh after him and Akenhaten was never in family portraits. Akenhaten also tried to take away all egyptian beliefs.
6. Amenhotep III's name means 'Amun is pleased, Ruler of Thebes'.
7. He was the ninth ruler Egypt.
8. He was born to Pharaoh Thutmose and Queen Mutemwiya.
9. All his wives were taken care of very well, but it's said that Tiy was the most intelligent of them all.
10. He died of an unknown disease at the age of 50.
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King Khufu |
Pharaoh: Khufu (2551 - 2528 B.C)
Interesting facts
1. He was cruel and heartless.
2. Known as the pharaoh who put himself first of everyone else.
3.Killed many people and he was hated by all egyptians, when he died they burnt all his stuff.
4. He had 6 sons and 15 daughters.
5. He built the pyramid Giza, it stayed the strongest all these years too.
6. His body was so well hidden no one has ever found it.
7. He didn't believe in the Egyptian Gods, he only believed in one.
8. Egyptians thought he was crazy.Those who told him he was wrong or something he didn't want to hear, got killed, tortured or became a slave if lucky.
9. He sold his daughter so he would get money.
10. He ruled for 23 years.
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King Tutenkhamen |
Pharaoh: Tutenkhamen (1360 - 1343 B.C)
Interesting facts
1. 8-9 years old when he became a pharaoh.
2. Major accomplishment was hiding his tomb. No robber could find it.
3. No one know how he died, Guesses are a sickness because there was lots of egyptian medicine in his tombs. It's also been said he had a curse, everyone who visited his tomb died.
4. He was 180 cm tall
5. He died at the age of 18.
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